A note to The Reader, and a disclaimer- Although events recalled herein are done so with intention of respect towards all parties mentioned, they are just as well recalled with the blatant honesty and vulnerability that was necessary in writing them in the first place. Events and truths are stated as such by me.
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The Catalyst
I ask you to go with me now, into my ordinary, extraordinary, beautiful life. I know what it is now. I’ve listened to TikTok and Facebook gurus, read books, I’ve sat in stillness and I’ve screamed into the air and pounded my fist against my truck’s console without holding back. When it happened to me…
I’ve worked in some amazing places over the last thirty years, and my God I’ve met some amazing people. The impact those environments made in my life could never be measured, and I’m filled with a warm sense of being blessed just thinking back on them. Every single one served a purpose in its own…
My Father
My father’s eyes were crystal blue except for the block of dark brown that took up a solid fourth of his right eye. My mother always said that was why she married him, and to this day I’m not sure if she was just kidding or if she was serious. If asked to picture my…
When our son was three I was influenced to enroll in college after a colleague had scolded me about being too young to get stuck in a low-paying position, and for the first year and a half of my college career the only reason I showed up was because I was told I should. As…
The Decision
In the Spring of 1997 while only 16, amidst a fire of fierce independence and an opportunity, I left home. I moved into a studio apartment with my brother and I did well enough matching myself to the life I had chosen. I became a master of fried potatoes and onions, I worked full-time, I…
The Vice
My default in life is pragmatic. I’m always seeking the reason for things, wanting to break them down to the core in order to understand the reason why. But then there are the precious moments in life when the supernatural occurs and understanding is not an option. My pragmatism is made lame in these moments,…
In every moment there are two paths to consider, and the consequence of your choice is never more blatant than when everything around you and inside you has been quieted. theoriginalexistence.com My imagination was always where I felt most at home and most authentic. As a child I would prop myself on pillows and get…
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